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[Game Journal] GameJournalAdvance

  • 59
    • Seen May 16, 2024
    Coming up with original thread titles is difficult. In any case, I thought it'd be fun to create one of these as 2023 draws to a close and I find myself at something of a crossroads with video gaming. I played through 105 titles this year in total, and looking back over my list, a lot of them I played just to have them done, rather than for the experience. Quite a few, I forced myself through. Now that I'm also writing reviews, I find that I'm not playing games for fun quite as much any more. I'm not taking the time to properly digest or reflect upon what I'm doing. Hopefully keeping a game journal will change that! I'll try and keep this updated weekly at least; I play several hours every day so I should have plenty to talk about.

    ...and since 2023 is practically over and I am currently relaxing with a replay of one of my favourite games, what better way to open this than with my Top 10 Games of 2023? In reverse order:

    10 - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
    Breath of the Wild and I did not get along. It seemed like the game actively went out of its way to stop me from enjoying it at all costs, between the large empty spaces with nothing to do, the weapon durability that actively made me avoid combat so I could save my weapons for when I actually needed them, the lackluster shrines, complete lack of background music, stamina system...I could go on for a while. Tears of the Kingdom shared a lot of that game's flaws, but it also fixed some of the biggest issues I had...or perhaps enough time had passed between when I played Breath of the Wild and when I played this that I've become more forgiving of its flaws. But the fusion system removed the issues I had with durability, made traversal far less aggravating so I was less reliant on stamina, there seemed to be a little more to do in the world than previously - although I still have issues with the micro-tasks and generally lacking dungeons - and it was just...more fun. Mostly. The last part of the game overstayed its welcome a bit, and I wasn't fond of the Depths, but overall I think this game could have been a lot worse.

    9 - Final Fantasy XVI

    I spent much of Final Fantasy XVI wondering if I really liked it or not. I'm still not entirely sure. This is a game that by rights shouldn't be as satisfying as it is. It has Square Enix's awful ARPG combat, which I find to be an annoying ebb and flow of chip damage punctuated by occasional bursts of stagger damage where your hits still don't feel like they're doing enough. This was on full display here, with numbers rarely reaching into triple digits, and when they actually did not really registering on the enemy's HP bar. Combat wasn't very fun to play, but it WAS very fun to watch. Clearly someone at Square Enix likes to watch anime, because I felt like I was playing out battles from Attack on Titan, Gurren Lagann, and Naruto Shippuden every time I went up against an Eikon. And it was great! I had a hard time caring about the cast other than Dion though, and Jill got demoted to extra so fast it gave me whiplash. I think Yoshida took offense at the term "JRPG" a little too much, because FFXVI is as unlike a JRPG as it's possible to be. The end result is that Final Fantasy XVI doesn't really feel like a Final Fantasy game to me. I think if it had any other name, it would have been absolutely fine and I wouldn't feel so conflicted about it. But as it is...well, I'm not sure. I had fun. But I don't think it was really the right kind of fun for it to leave a lasting impact.

    8 - Silent Hope
    Small sleeper hit here! Silent Hope didn't really capitalise on its ideas as well as it could have, but it was surprisingly addicting and it felt good to play, even if it was lacking in depth. It's weird, though - I spent the entire game wishing that the princess would just shut the hell up after she repeated the same lines twenty or thirty times, and then in the postgame when she disappeared I just wanted her to come back, because the characters I had been playing as were so lacking in personality that they couldn't possibly fill the void. I used only one character for the main story, which was a bit problematic when I was getting weapons for everyone else, and there wasn't really enough content for me to want to use everyone, which the game was trying very hard to get me to do with all the equipment drops. Maybe if the gear had been a bit easier to craft and didn't require an aggravatingly amount of grinding, or if party members had received even a portion of experience when not in use, I might have been more inclined to do so. A few design flaws here and there, then. But a good time whilst it lasted.

    7 - Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless

    Oh thank god, Disgaea is back. Disgaea 6 was a bad video game. I'm sorry, but it was. It rendered player effort completely meaningless by having an absurd autoplay function that basically told you to leave the game on idle whilst your stats accrued to the point that they lost all meaning. Disgaea has always been a numbers game, but they've always been within the player's control, and I've always felt they were manageable. Removing that 9999 level cap just made the whole thing feel like a complete waste of time. Combine that with the generally poor story that just refused to end, significantly scaled-back pool of character classes, and absurd DLC costs (at least on Switch) and it actually made me wish the franchise had ended with the fifth instalment. Then along comes Disgaea 7 to restore my love for the franchise. This was the "back for formula" title that the series needed, although it kept some of the things that the sixth game did right - and massively fixed others - and improved upon them. I still think the fourth game is the pinnacle of the series in both storytelling and gameplay, but this was a step in the right direction, and definitely something I would like to revisit at some point.

    6 - Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince

    Dragon Quest IV is probably my favourite of the main series titles, because it is (or was) unlike anything else I had played at the time. I loved how it put me in the shoes of every party member before drawing them together, and they all had such radically different stories. I've played as many merchants in games since, but Torneko was my first and I'll always be grateful for that, because I could have missed several games and entire series if I didn't have a taste for management thanks to his part of the story. But playing as Psaro was a fun and unique experience, and as someone who grew up with Pokemon and is constantly on the lookout for something better, there was more than enough here to satisfy me. Monster fusion is just so much more interesting than straight-up capture, because it offers so many more options to customise your party. I didn't get out of the lower echelons until around the forty hour mark because I was so busy trying to break the game by creating something unstoppable...I mostly succeeded. The performance issues were a bit disappointing, but I also played The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero this year, so what was here was trivial by comparison, and has been patched since to be a little more bearable. I'm actually still playing this at time of writing, there are 523 monsters (excluding the DLC we don't have yet) and I want them all.

    5 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2

    I'm a bit of a comic book nerd, I grew up reading Spiderman and watching the cartoons. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of all things Spider-Man - the Amazing duology was terrible, I'm sorry - but I do have a fondness for him. I loved the original game, and the Miles Morales-focused follow-up. I was always going to buy this, especially when I saw that Venom was going to be in it. What I got with this was about what I expected: more of the same, which was what I wanted. A condensed, highly focused open world with meaningful sidequests, fantastic traversal, an emotional and original story (and how often do we get that with Marvel media these days with Disney at the helm?) that feels fresh and familiar at the same time, and a general polish that I would expect from a game this astronomically expensive. I did everything in this and I loved every minute of it, it lifted my mood every time I switched it on, and the wait for the third game is going to be agonising. I just want to see Carnage. Please. Don't keep me waiting another 3+ years.

    4 - Metroid Prime Remastered

    Probably the nicest surprise that Nintendo dropped on us this year I think. I was hoping for the trilogy in one package, but I appreciate the shadow drop this got at the end of the Direct it was revealed in...so much so that I bought a digital copy immediately, then double dipped for a physical. Metroid Prime was one of my favourite Gamecube games, and although I do prefer the sequel - which I know is a very contentious opinion, but I will die on this hill - revisiting this on my Switch for the first time in years, when I was inches away from getting PrimeHack on my Steam Deck, was a welcome distraction. This game holds up beautifully, especially with the improved controls. It's a bit depressing that an HD remaster of a title over 20 years old is so high up on my list for this year, but nonetheless, it is what it is.

    3 - Resident Evil 4

    I actually love Resident Evil 4 a lot more than I thought I do. It turns out I've bought it for every single platform I've owned since it released - I have, or have had, it on Gamecube, PS2, PS3, Xbox360, PS4, Steam, AND Switch. When I think about my favourite games of all time, it's not one I really count. But it's a game I love to go back to regularly. The remake was a little disappointing in places - it dialled back on the outrageous cheese that made the game feel more like Devil May Cry than Resident Evil in narrative tone, most notably - but it was a wonderful modern iteration that doesn't outright replace the original, making it a valuable experience for that alone. I could go back and play the original game and not feel as though I was playing a lesser experience, and I could also play this and feel like I had an acceptable alternative. Not many remakes can do that: they either outright replace, or make you wish for the original. For the best relevant example I can think of, look at Pokemon HeartGold/Soulsilver and Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl when compared to the original versions. This had the Resident Evil remake issue of bullets not feeling like they did enough damage, but other than that I have no complaints.

    2 - Theatrhythm Final Bar Line

    I don't like every Final Fantasy game. I've never been hugely enamored with VII, or IX, or XIII. But I do love the soundtrack. Curtain Call was one of my favourite 3DS titles, and rhythm games as a whole. Bar Line's DLC schedule made me wince a little (I still don't have the third season pass actually...) and I'm a little annoyed by the selection and balance of tracks - FFXIV did not need that much space - but I had a ridiculous amount of fun with this and I'm still not done with it. I probably never will be, because perfecting a song on the highest difficulty is completely beyond my skill level. But that's OK! This gives me a great way to experience some of my favourite tracks from across the franchise. I love the visuals, too. I'm actually going to start a drawing project based on that style. Or I would like to.

    1 - Star Ocean: The Second Story R

    This is an easy winner for me this year. Star Ocean is one of my favourite JRPG series, and Second Story is unquestionably the pinnacle of the franchise. Square Enix have been dropping a lot of titles over the last couple of years in particular that I didn't expect, and many of them have been either better than I expected (I am one of those rare people who actually enjoyed Forspoken, leave me alone) or exactly as good as they should be (Tactics Ogre Reborn was glorious, and apart from the terrible voice acting Crisis Core Reunion was delightful too) and this was never going to be anything other than absolute perfection. The quality of life changes made to the gameplay made playing this feel so GOOD, too! Combat was more engaging than I thought it was going to be, the soundtrack was phenomenal, and I think I actually prefer the visuals here to the HD-2D style adopted by Octopath Traveler...which disappointed me a bit this year, with the second game being a retread that offered very little by comparison. They don't make games like this any more, and I wish that they did.

    Aaaaand that's about it. I am currently making plans for tackling my library - I do not have a backlog, I have a library; I feel the wording here is important - which I'll post...when I'm done. I plan on making 2024 a different, more methodical experience than the speedrun that 2023 has been, and whilst I need to learn to be more spontaneous, having a plan is a good idea too.
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    • Seen May 16, 2024
    The 2024 Library Challenge!
    I have a problem. Well, several problems actually. The first is that I have an extensive library of unplayed video games: over 1500, at last count. Nearly half of those are Switch games, and the rest is split across PS4, PS5, and Steam. Most of them I genuinely want to play, but for some reason or another I just...haven't. Other things have gotten in the way, I've started and then stopped due to lack of interest, I've meant to but forgotten/been distracted, etc. Life is like that, and there are only so many hours in the day. I might only sleep five or six hours on average, but I need to eat, work three mornings a week, do those daily life tasks that seem to take up far too much daily life for what they are, etc. It builds up.

    I stopped using the word "backlog" to describe my game collection a couple of years ago, because it's a word I personally find distasteful. "An accumulation of uncompleted work or matters needing to be dealt with." is a very clinical, duty-laden term to be applying to something I am supposed to be doing for fun. Work? Needing to be dealt with? Last I checked, video games are supposed to be enjoyable, and last I checked, my free time was...well, free. I don't have to do anything. For years I felt very guilty and uncomfortable that I hadn't played this or that, and I just...wondered why, one day. Yes, I do want to play things, and I do want to get my money's worth out of them, but no, I don't need to put myself under undue pressure or stress to do so.

    So with all this preamble in mind, I have selected 24 games from my library to play this year, that I have not played before, for some reason or another. It's mostly RPGs, but I've tried to strike a good balance between length, genre, and when they were released. I've been thinking about all of these games for some reason or another off and on recently. 6 per platform means I won't spend too long in one place, can juggle multiple titles at once, and won't get overwhelmed. I usually aim to finish 50 games in a year, but that usually leads me to rush through early on, and worry about scheduling, and it defeats the point of playing the games. 24 games allows for roughly one game every two weeks, and with the amount that I play, that's a pretty reasonable time frame.

    This might sound like an obligation, and that I'm defeating the point, but it's just a goal to provide me with some focus. Decision paralysis is a very common thing for me, and I often start things only to drop them later when I settle on what I really want to do...that's how a lot of these games haven't been played before now, in fact. The 3DS ones especially. Unless I am really in the mood for one in particular, I'll be selecting them at random. Having a goal of 25 for the year also excludes things I'll be picking up during the year and will play immediately, things I'll be covering for websites for reviews, and replays/things I spontaneously pick up just because. Example: I'm replaying Super Princess Peach right now, because I'm pretty excited for Showtime later this year.

    Anyways, here is the list!

    PS5 - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Crymachina, One Piece Odyssey, GrimGrimoire: Once More, Yakuza 0, and Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora
    Nintendo 3DS - Stella Glow, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Dragonball Fusions, Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, and one of Dragon Quest VI, VII, or IX.
    Switch - Triangle Strategy, Chained Echoes, Persona 5 Tactica, Dredge, Ghost Trick, and AI: The Somnium Files
    Steam Deck - Cyberpunk 2077, Witchspring R, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Cassette Beasts, Assassin's Creed, and Moonstone Island

    My 25th game for the year will be a replay of Xenoblade Chronicles, the greatest RPG ever made. Because I keep thinking about that. It's driving me mad.

    I'm starting with Jedi Survivor. Awaaaay we go!
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    • Seen May 16, 2024
    #1 - Super Princess Peach
    The entrée before the show​

    Ahead of Princess Peach Showtime releasing later this year - and I really hope I get a review code for that, I'd love to cover it - I decided to replay Super Princess Peach, and it turns out it's the first game I've finished in 2024! Not part of my Library Challenge, but I never said I had to be bound entirely by that list, so it counts! Hard to believe this game turns 18 this year...and harder to believe we've not had another Peach-focused game since then. When we've had multiple Luigi's Mansions, Yoshi's Islands, WarioWares, and Captain Toads, it's disappointing that the Princess has had but a single game to her name. At least until March this year.

    Honestly, I would rather play this than almost any of the aforementioned, as it holds up surprisingly well and is a great deal of fun. It was more challenging towards the end than I remember it being as well, between collecting every Toad and managing a vibe meter that decreases much quicker than one might think, as well as some tricky platforming sections. Not quite as awkward as the mainline Mario titles - speaking of, I really do need to revisit Wonder at some point this year if there is time - but not without its frustrations. Although truthfully I have never been especially good at precision platforming. I always seem to overshoot the mark. Which I did a lot here, as I seemed to spend a lot of time floating up and out of bottomless pits...and skipping the intended platforming to just float up to where the pink box containing the next Toad was at every opportunity.

    Overall, this was a pretty nice replay, and a good way to start the year. I'll probably move on to Shin Megami Tensei IV on my 3DS now, as I find myself in the mood for something a little more...technical. I've only played SMT V from the series, and whilst I enjoyed the fusion mechanics a lot, I found the narrative to be extremely dry and tedious. Hopefully this game has a bit more of a hook to it.
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    • Seen May 16, 2024
    The Week in Gaming
    Episode #1 - Fun and False Starts

    Welcome to The Week in Gaming! For those of you who read my Game Journal - thank you, by the way, it's nice to not be screaming into the void - I thought I'd start a hopefully weekly series where I go over generally what I've been doing, what I've thought of the news (if there is any) and so on. Call it a weekly check-in so I don't lose track of this thread. Or just a little vanity project. I'd do a podcast but my voice is awful.

    So this week has been an interesting one for me somewhat, as I've been predominantly replaying things. I started Jedi Survivor but I think that might have been a mistake as my main rationale behind starting that now was that it's taking up 148GB of space on my PS5 and I don't want to delete it without playing it, because redownloading it will be a colossal pain. It's not a BAD game persay, but it isn't really grabbing me and to be honest I might just drop it, delete it, and come back to it either later this year or next year...it's on my list, but I have half a dozen other games I could replace it with. Fate/Samurai Remnant perhaps, or I could given Alan Wake II another try. After I finish my replay of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana and get the Platinum trophy. That's what I've really wanted to play this week, so that's what I've been doing. It's my third favourite game of all time, and it's been years since I played it last. It's just been drawing me in.

    I've been thinking about Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora a lot as well so I may start that. I don't like the Avatar movies at all, but the world looks hugely appealing, and I'm in the mood for a massive checklist that I can just switch my brain off with. I'm one of those weird people who dislikes sandbox open worlds, but loves Ubisoft-style checklist ones. I like exploring and knowing that I'm getting everything; I find sandbox exploration to be an unfulfilling waste of time. I want a guaranteed reward for my time and effort. After I finish Ys VIII I will probably pick up Yakuza 0 though. Yakuza (or Like a Dragon now, I suppose) is a series I have been keen to explore for a couple of years now, but just haven't found the time to do so. I have a Playstation Portal now though, and as a handheld gamer that's made playing PS4/PS5 titles significantly more appealing for me, so now is a good time.

    On Switch I've been...tidying up, let's say. I finally finished something I'm not allowed to talk about until the week after next - not that I have much to say about it, I think I'd sooner forget all about it tbh - and have moved onto a replay of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, because I'd quite like to go through the whole series. I will not finish the first trilogy before the Apollo Justice trilogy releases, but that's fine. Its been seven years since I last played through these games, and most of it has leaked out of my skull. Dated game design aside, the writing is fantastically witty and the music is stuffed with earworms, and I'm enjoying it! I started Pokemon Legends: Arceus again but dropped it...I am not really in the mood. I wanted a Living Dex for this year, but I have all year to do that and I'm just not in the mood for Pokemon at the moment. I managed to get the Walking Wake and Iron Leaves raids done, so I at least have those. The latter was a serious pain in the backside, I had to do it with randoms after five failed attempts. Bastard cut right through my Scizor, who couldn't *quite* kill it in one hit, and I couldn't be bothered to train something else. Walking Wake I annihilated with Iron Hands, as you do.

    In terms of other new starts...well, I started Shin Megami Tensei IV on 3DS. Not sure how far I'll get with that at the moment, I've only done the opening sequence. Mostly because I got a code for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, so that's been taking up all my time since then. Embargo for reviews is the 11th. I'll be back then with some impressions if anyone is interested.

    New purchases I shouldn't have made...Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection dropped in price briefly on Amazon, so I grabbed a copy. I only really wanted the first game because that's the only one I actually like, but I know what I'm like - I'll buy it, play it, then immediately want to give the other ones another try. It's cheaper for me to just buy the collection. Plus physically on PS5 they're all on the bloody disc. I also picked up Demon Gaze Extra, Sakura Wars, Utawarerumono Zan, and Sleeping Dogs in the PSN sales as last-minute buys for...some reason. On Switch I grabbed Astral Ascent, and on PC I picked up Slay the Princess because people seem to be raving about that right now and for once I'm curious. I'll probably start that after I'm done with the Ace Attorney titles.

    Gaming news this week has been predictably quiet, but it's only the first week of the year, so you get more rumours flying around than anything else...and of course, it wouldn't be a new year without a controversial, idiotic statement from Square Enix's President. You would think, wouldn't you, that Takashi Kiryu would have heeded what happened with his predecessor when he made statements like this. The hot topic back then was NFTs, he committed to pursing NFTs and blockchain technology, and not long after that he was gone. What's the major point of contention right now? The use of AI. So of course, that's exactly what Kiryu wants to aggressively pursue. I swear, for such a beloved company, Square Enix is so completely lacking in common sense that it's a wonder they haven't crashed. The stupidity of their management is beyond belief. Now is NOT the time to be discussing the application of AI in video gaming, and even if it was, Square Enix are not the company who should be paving the way with it. We're coming out of what is being regarded by many as one of the best years in gaming in terms of releases, but the worst in terms of industry practices, with a disgusting number of layoffs. Throwing AI into the mix is just about the worst possible thing you could be doing. Get a fucking clue, Kiryu.

    As for the Switch 2 rumours...I am very, very done with that conversation. People need to stop taking every analyst prediction and every "insider" discussion as gospel. These people have been predicting Switch 2 for YEARS now. I am not saying it is never going to happen. What I am saying is that it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it will, and your odds of being correct increase with each passing year. When Nintendo will neither confirm nor deny that they've given out dev kits, you're free to say whatever you please and in hindsight it is going to look like you're right, and if you're off by a few days about when the official news drops...well, delays happen for unexpected reasons, don't they? Nobody needs to know. These people do not have a clue, any more than anyone else. For the record, I'd rather have a "Pro" model than a brand new system. Mostly because I don't know how I'll find the money for a new system, and I don't really want to start afresh buying games on a new platform. I hate the first year of a new console, there is never anything to play on the thing, and if you don't preorder one, good luck getting one within the first year.

    Looking into next week...well, it'd be nice if I could finish a couple of things, but I'm in no rush. The Pokemon DLC drops on the 11th and I will probably stop playing Prince of Persia for a day (or more likely a few hours, because I am not expecting much) to blitz through it. Hopefully I will not be tempted to buy anything else, although I have my eye on a couple of games in the January Sales so that seems improbable. That's about it, I think. See you next week, if not sooner!
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    • Seen May 16, 2024
    The Week in Gaming
    Episode #2 - The Golden Sun Rises

    How in the name of Almighty Sinnoh is 2024 two weeks old? I'm still trying to process Christmas, honestly. Trying and failing. It doesn't feel like I had a break. Things have just blurred together and I'm still a miserable, depressed wreck.

    Buuuuut we're here to talk about gaming, not my rapidly declining mental health state. So let's talk about gaming!

    But bear with me a minute, because I need to talk about my approach to gaming again. Namely, that my Library Challenge was a phenomenally stupid idea that I will be...modifying. It's a good idea to have a goal for the year. But to restrict myself to specific games? That was not a good idea. I started to think about some other games this week as I was perusing my library, and I realised I was quite deliberately ignoring them when I really wanted to play them, because they weren't on the list, which I needed to clear first before I--wait, WHY exactly? Who said? Wasn't the whole point of that list to highlight the games I was most interested in? So...why am I ignoring the games I'm most interested in right now? Doesn't make much sense.

    So, that earlier list? Disregard that. I'll just be aiming to play 25 games from my library that I haven't played before this year. Some of the titles on that list I still very much want to get to; Yakuza 0 in particular is something I am planning on starting fairly soon. But if something else comes up, I'm not going to not play it just because it's not in the plan. There is no plan. Gaming is the plan. Gaming and actually enjoying myself. I hope. Truth be told, I feel very adrift and pressed for time. I want to do SO MUCH but I don't have the time to do it, and I also want to take my time to enjoy everything. Time management is something I am rather good at, but I can't create time. Not yet, anyway. I suppose that I will get to it when I get to it. It'll still be worth playing later, right?

    OK, rambling over. Let's talk about the news!

    It has definitely been a much more interesting week on the news front. In case the title of this little post didn't tip you off, the announcement of Golden Sun and The Lost Age coming to Nintendo Switch Online made the headlines for me this week. FINALLY. This is long, long overdue. If I didn't have an NSO sub I would take one out just to replay these. I owe a lot of my interest in RPGs to these games - growing up I didn't have a Playstation, and my only other alternative at the time was Pokemon. RPGs were thin on the ground in those days. The SNES was never really a factor when I was younger; it was all about the Megadrive...and if I'm really honest, I don't think the SNES really had any noteworthy RPGs outside of Final Fantasy VI. I've played Secret of Mana, and I am not impressed. I've also played Chrono Trigger and I don't see what the fuss is about, and having played the Super Mario RPG Switch remaster...well, I suppose for their time they were revolutionary, but by my personal standards, they haven't held up. It's nostalgia. But that's totally fine. I still think Final Fantasy VIII is the best Final Fantasy, Link's Awakening is the best Zelda, and that the last good Monster Hunter was Generations Ultimate. We all have our opinions, and they're usually fueled by our childhoods.

    I also read this very interesting article (well, I thought it was interesting...) about how there are too many games in the industry. It's not the only problem in the games industry, but I definitely agree with it...there seems to be more and more coming out with each year. I already have 38 games on my wishlist for 2024. I'll buy them all. I'll probably play around a third of them, if I'm lucky. I don't know how many I bought last year, but I do know it was over 100. And I've missed out on so much! I'm still discovering things released last year that I didn't even know existed. It's the complete opposite of how it used to be, when you had to struggle to find games. Or so it seemed. But back then all of my news came from games magazines, and the indie scene hadn't exploded yet. Regardless, this is a perception I agree with.

    With each passing day I wish that there was a button that would mute all Switch 2 rumours...or ban the people posting them from being on the internet in any shape or form for a month. I mean, are people truly so desperate that they're going to believe Gameshark now, of all companies? I can't believe this actually got any kind of attention. If we go by historical trends, we've got between 3 and 5 weeks before our first Nintendo Direct for the year - excluding 2020 when the pandemic delayed it, we've had one in February since around 2017 I think - and it is going to be a fucking long wait if this keeps on going...and this is assuming they even do announce new hardware in said Direct. I'm honestly not so sure that they will. The conversation around ageing hardware comes entirely from people too blinded by the framerate conversation to think about anything else - and developers who just don't know how to adapt their games to the hardware and are frustrated they can't make money off the sales having their game on Switch would result in, which is entirely on them - and even if the Switch is slowing down a bit, it's still breaking records and going strong. I don't think Nintendo feel that same sense of urgency.

    ...why is it whenever I say I don't want to talk about Switch 2, I launch into a paragraph about Switch 2. Honestly the new hardware discussion fills me with anxiety and dread, because securing one is a nightmare, they cost a fortune, there are never any games worth playing at launch, and if you DON'T get it at launch then you end up waiting for far longer than you would like. There is something wrong with my brain. Or just something wrong with the industry, capitalism, and society in general. It's easier and makes me feel better to blame my problems on the environment, so I'll roll with that!

    I am a little behind with my progress updates, but I finished Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney this week! I enjoyed both...for the most part. I'll go into greater detail in individual posts when I find the time to write about them. Hopefully. This puts me at 4 games finished this year, with the fourth being something I am definitely not allowed to talk about until embargo lifts. I am very behind when compared to last year, but honestly I don't really care. Not a competition, or a race. I'm supposed to be having fun. I'm approaching the end of my Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana replay, but will be going through it again for the Platinum trophy...and yes, this is something I want to do. A second run on Nightmare sounded preferable to playing through it once on said difficulty and struggling throughout. I am somewhat paranoid about difficulty modes, I always worry I'm going to get stuck and suffer. Because that is usually what happens. Anywho, I also started up Etrian Odyssey Nexus. I wanted to play an EO title and I settled on this one for reasons. Not sure what they are, I was hovering between IV, V, and the Switch HD remasters, but as Nexus is a culmination of sorts I thought it'd be a good one to dive into.

    This coming week, I will be neck deep in Golden Sun, the second Ace Attorney game, Etrian Odyssey Nexus, and probably GrimGrimoire Once More. I may also pick up an open world busywork game because I'm kind of in the mood. I have quite a few choices, so I'll probably spin a wheel over them. Assassin's Creed Origins, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, Ghost of Tsushima, Hogwarts Legacy (before anyone snaps my head off, it was a Christmas present that I did not ask for but am not going to ignore because it was extremely thoughtful of this person to get me anything at all), Horizon Zero Dawn, or Gotham Knights...perhaps.