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Things That Irritate You


  • 347
    Please note, this is different from Jynx's thread in that this thread pertains to multiple things that irritate you, not the one thing you despise most. So...people, behaviors, actions, inanimate objects...from things that mildly irk you to the stuff that makes you want to lay waste to the nations of the earth, it's all good. Rant about the things that p!ss you off, but try to stay away from anything too specifically political/religious, since this apparently annoys people. Heh. Anywho.

    Things That Irritate Me

    -People who can't draw, AT ALL, but people keep telling them they can and requesting pictures, thereby filling their empty skulls with the illusion that they are somehow a great artist, despite the fact that they wouldn't know proportion if it bit them in the buttocks.
    -People who constantly claim that they are extremely "intelligent" and a high achiever in school, and yet have the grammatical skills of a five-year-old on speed.
    -People who write pokemon fanfiction about the anime characters.
    -People who have probably never voluntarily read a book in their life, but figure they're a good author and churn out chapter after chapter of terrible fanfiction.
    -Fanfiction chapters less than 1000 words long.
    -People who follow rules without questioning them first.
    -People who blindly follow their 'leader'.
    -Fundamentalists who try to get their backwards doctrine taught in public schools.
    -Unjust war.
    -People who abuse other people or animals.
    -People who prance about acting all depressed and talking about suicide in an attempt to get some attention.
    -Women of questionable repute. (You know them. You go to school with them. YOU might BE one. Get help, you harlot, before you're working the streets in fishnets.)
    -People who are unkind to or dislike others on the basis of something superficial, such as gender, race, religion, sexual preference, etc. instead of getting to know them first and then deciding that they don't like them because they're a stupidhead.
    -Prima donnas.
    -People who are condescending.
    -Long, incredibly boring books that I have to read for school.
    -Human young. Filthy, noisy creatures.
    -Twins you can't tell apart. [This annoyance isn't as serious as some of the above].
    -People who ignore you or pretend you're not there.
    -The grossly, grossly obese. I mean, it might be a glandular problem, sure, but practice some self-control, piggy.
    -The facet of the female nature that makes me feel low and unwanted because I don't have a boyfriend. Stupid thing.
    -People who are unecessarily concerned about various things.
    -People who are lazy to the point of absurdity.
    -People who come to class once a week and don't understand why their teachers aren't recommending them to the next level of the subject.
    -People who are on a crusade against the rights of women, homosexuals and minorities.
    -Work without purpose.
    -Music manufactured solely for the generation of capital.
    -People with no sense of humour.
    -People who can't spell. It's not that hard.
    -People who spell hot with two T's.
    -Stupid runs in music. *kicks*
    -You know...just people in general.

    Now...share. =D
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    Quite a list there Celery. I made a topic like this months ago, but it was for only the very very trivial things. Let's see what I recomember:

    -static electricity
    -morning breath
    -writer's block
    -artist's block
    -boogers flapping around in the nose of someone you are speaking to
    -anti-fighting type people
    -people who over-use "chibi" and "kawaii"
    -those who edit my sig and leave some snide remark
    -mods who b*tch at you for duragatory comments, then do the same to other members
    -word censor
    -AAML fics... dear god, how I loathe them
    -various members of various forums
    -menstrual cramps
    -those who visit sites like "Something Awful" and try to be cool by adopting their views (like being anti-furry)
    -7331 speak
    -in fics/posts when they say "your" but they mean to say "you're"
    -ur, sez, juz... come on lazybones!
    -those who draw Hitmonchan badly
    -just the whole menstruation cycle in general
    -getting requests in my email.... I'M NOT TAKING FREAKIN' REQUESTS!!!
    -usernames that go [insert legendary or over-popular Pokemon here] master/trainer/ruler (not saying the people irritate me, just the name)

    I'll think of more later
    Hey i like trance music :(, you can have your own opinion...
    If its okay I can post my list later.
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    If then things that irritate me are:

    1. Pokemon haters!! (especially CBW)
    2. Invalid browsing sites
    3. School computers (as they always shorts out)
    4. Maths lessons.
    5. pikachu XDDD
    6. Pokemon Cartoon in Hong Kong.
    7. Wrong translations in US ver Pokemon Cards.
    8. Changing, banning, cuttign Pokemon episodes and story lines.
    9. When my parents misunderstood me.
    10. When school interner loads very slowly.
    My list :
    -Yu-gi-oh anime, the american version (Yugi's voice annoys me. x_x)
    -All american dubbed anime
    -Baggy pants (makes me want to pull them up.)
    -Math (who needs it? =P)

    I think that's all. o.O;
    I have many, many things that irritate me... Um.. I probably won't get them all typed down, but heh... Oh well.

    In no order.... Meh.... If any of the following offend you, go punch a wall.

    ~Glittery make-up.
    ~Trying to read what people wrote with neon gelpens on white paper.
    ~People writing stuff on themselves, then trying to write on me.
    ~When you can see peoples' ribs. (In my opinion, that's disgusting, not sexy!)
    ~Bleeping words out. (It's funny at first, but it gets so annoying after awhile.)
    ~When people try to look at what I'm drawing in class. Stupid nosy bodies.
    ~When my mom uses bad typing grammar. XD
    ~When all of a sudden all the alternative styles became some big fad. (Now I can't dress weird without being called a wannabe. -_- *sigh*)
    ~Bad "punk" music.
    ~The burning sensation I get when my hair is being dyed.
    ~Color combos that hurt my eyes. (like neon orange and hot pink together. Bah!)
    ~Petty people who hates someone else for something so stupid.
    ~Not being able to get rid of grudges.
    ~Artist block.
    ~Having my mom sent to all these doctors.
    ~My dad.
    ~Me. XD (Joking!)
    ~Taking AR tests.
    ~Normally mainstream songs. (some of them are so popular and I hate 'em, but some aren't too bad.
    ~Most modern music.
    ~People not believing in 'there's nothing called bad art'. For there isn't bad art. XD (Love my dorkiness! Durnit!)
    ~Not sticking up for myself and being a pushover.
    ~My cat, Ai-kun. x_x Evil lil' Satanic demon from H-ell. I love 'im, but man....
    ~Being asked for requests constantly at school.
    ~People being only nice to me for hope of getting a picture from me, then being complete a-holes to me later.
    ~Being a girl. :B
    ~Running out of ink.

    And that's it for now. XD; I might have more, but I dunno... I think this is quite enough. *laughs*
    Very stupid things that irritate me, but they're fun to list.

    -birds chirping in the morning
    -cold... I'm very sensitive to it :D
    -when shirts shrink in the wash... those shortened sleeves
    -the fact that's there's millions of forms of my name, Katelyn
    -when a good drawing is ruined by bad coloring (oooogh)
    -female singers' voices
    -when my favorite Pokemon are hard to use
    -the smell of doo doo
    heh... and it's a good thing I'm never going to see you in real life anyway Keleri... ^_^

    adding to the grand list with a LOT of stuff ^_^;

    -people who never shuts up
    -people who acts like someone who's very very close and dear to you when they're actually not that loved (or even hated)
    -people who forces themselves to act a certain way for "the group"
    -people who tries to act "with the group" when they're not even accepted by the group... pitiful
    -****s, guy and girl alike
    -people who uses words when they have no clue what it means
    -people who uses a word when that word will make no difference if it's taken out (with the exception to the situation where you're trying to tell the others that you're not interested in the topic) ex: instead of saying "i hate christians believing in God" they say "i hate those <swear> christians believing in God"
    -i hate those people who ironically and ignorantly ask the God who the Christians worship to put a curse upon the Christians for believing in their god...
    -stuck ups and the ego-inflated ones, braggers and etc
    -people who assumes things in their favor automatically when things involve more than one people (such as electing a representative or a leader, moderators on a message board, etc)
    -people who believes that a loud argument is a good argument
    -people who lack manners
    -hyprocritical believers who act extremely out of touch to the way their religion wants them to behave
    -people who never leaves someone alone when they want to be alone
    -people who believes that a sentence must have a minimum of 3 parts instead of 2. Instead of just a noun and a verb, they insist on adding a new phrase of the sentece called the "swear phrase". They just can't speak without one of those in their sentence
    -people who are constantly on emotional explosions... please calm down people...
    -teachers who are biased, or gives you bad marks just because you don't have the same POV as them

    -fanfics without evidencial support on whatever they're talking about
    -fanfics without feeling development
    -almost all fanfics in script format
    -games with mass slaughter without a reason
    -games that promote you to buy a strip club or anything along that ****ty line... or games that promote crime to the extreme
    -sites that forces you to vote for them in order to download stuff, only to see that you pitched in the vote yet there's no download
    -sites that has a coverup of something else only to lead to porn/hentai

    i can still probably think of a lot more later... too many things irritate me
    Keleri said:
    -People who can't draw, AT ALL, but people keep telling them they can and requesting pictures, thereby filling their empty skulls with the illusion that they are somehow a great artist, despite the fact that they wouldn't know proportion if it bit them in the buttocks.

    I hear ya.. So many people go like "LOOK AT MY PRETTY ART" When its soooo bad.. @_@

    Murderdoll said:
    - People who believe in God (those goddamn christians)
    People like you annoy me, they make me want to tear their fricking heads off

    Zento said:
    ~Being a girl. :B

    LOL! Me too :)


    Things that annoy me.......

    -Racists like murderdoll >D


    -People who think they're soooo cool just cus they look evil or sumthing..


    -When I wear girly stuff, I look like a guy!!! Why do people bother putting me on makeup when I only end up looking like a gay guy!!!! >_<;;

    -Make up

    -Couples kissin at my school (GET A FRIGGING ROOM!)

    -When my parents fight...................

    -When people call me names when they don't know me.

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    more things that annoy me

    -when Cartoon doesn't get killed by something at the end of her posts... it bugs me that this tradition doesn't exist anymore XD (this is more on a joking stand)

    -computer lagging
    -people who aren't clean (as in filthy, not washing hands and etc)
    -sexual harassments
    -stereotyping... those who tries to force me to exercise away from my computer because "you're a guy you should act like one... go play some sports!" automatically destroys all forms of my respect towards you
    -unjust or stupid leaders- for anything ranging from teachers to governments and even possibly moderators... good thing no mods here has reached that line yet for me...
    -people who tries to argument but can't argue anything
    -people who believes that force is the solution to all problems
    Frostweaver said:
    -when Cartoon doesn't get killed by something at the end of her posts... it bugs me that this tradition doesn't exist anymore XD (this is more on a joking stand)

    I still die! xD Its just that I try to use shorter words ^^

    More things that annoy me ^_^

    -Not being myself

    -Tomboy haters

    -When people are so harshly critical ;_;

    -When people complain

    -The girl that sits beside me in science class



    -Bad manners

    *gets killed by thunder*
    Things that irritate me:

    - Nosy kids who never get off my back to see what I am sketching in public. Although there isn't anything nasty, often at times I had a hard time trying to do life drawings and they wouldn't mind their own business.
    - Those stupid AOL demo discs that I often get in the mail.
    - My colored pencils breaking while I sharpen. ARGH!!
    - Sulphuric "rotten egg" smells
    - Bullies; they often pick on others for the most stupidest reasons.
    - My dad; he NEVER thinks first before doing anything with money. I am sick of him avoiding any calls from banks.
    - Narrow-minded and biased people
    - Rapists, pedophiles, murderers
    - People who abused animals and other people
    - Junk email or SPAM, especially those that advertised porn and other stuff I cannot mention; I used to have tons of them in my email, but thank god I started having fewer and fewer.
    - Websites containing porn/hentai with no warnings
    - Flame wars
    - Racists
    - My mom's comments comparing me to other people and saying that they're better than me.

    I'll add more later...
    This is Stuff that Totally Irritate me

    * Nosey people - I cant stand nosey people who always try to get deep in your business.
    * Posers - People who try to act gangster but there really not, they act so hardcore, God Be yourself..
    * Two Faces, people who say that they are your friend but then they betray you for someone else. 12-31-2003 if you were there if you know what im talking about
    * Teachers who think they can talk to me like their my mother. No teachers yell at me ever

    Theres more
    about the parent comparing their children to others and saying that their children aren't as good as others... I actually like that more than saying "my kids are better than yours"... It's obvious that it may not be the complete and total truth but instead just being more humble and modest. Sometimes parents will fight over the bill in restaurants too not that any of them doesn't care about money or anything, but it's just a way to show respect by lowering yourself at times...
    Like your avatar, Dizzy.

    -pop ups... I can usually tolerate some pop ups, just close them real fast, but when 10 come all at once... @_@
    -pop ups that advertise programs to kill pop ups... it's like a doctor putting his ad on a cigarette box
    -when I get quoted... and I made a typo 0o0
    - :3 <----that
    -drawings that don't come out
    -p0rn pop ups... please, I REALLY don't want to see that
    -When The Beginning Of Every Word Is Capitalized In A Sentence (this one seriously baffles me)
    Thank you, Iveechan Moonlight made it :) its part of her Defective Pokemon Colletion.

    *People who want to be your friend just because you have something they don't, then betray you when they get it.
    Yep, being a girl ish teh suck...what I'd like to see is everyone in the world mysteriously and spontaneously switch genders. I'd laugh and laugh and laugh. xD


    -People who Randomly capitalise various Words in a Sentence.
    -People who don't like :3 (LOL, kidding...*nudges Ivee* ;D)
    -When one of your parents does something stupid and the other one doesn't like it and is really mad about it but won't talk about it and everyone's ultimately unhappy.
    -How a lot of people can't handle being given authority and just use it to lord over everyone else, rather than DOING THEIR JOB, which is to protect us from crazy, violent...crazy people. Yeah.