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Free-for-all ideas

For my new fan game or someone else's, how about I/they make it where 1) Pokémon who need to evolve through trades even with items being held be given back by npc's due to them wanting to just complete their pokedex entries and you would want them back on your team, and 2) a friendship meter along with a new user interface in both battle and main stats of a Pokémon under the exp bar and somewhere on the pages of a Pokémon's status from the menu.
A mostly faithful adaptation of one of the newergames but with some minor changes, and major postgame changes.
An open-world survival game where you are free to go anywhere with level-scaling and with crafting system to heal your pokemon (no pokemon centers) and a special component in bag which acts as your PC, like putting the extra pokeball in your bag. There will be boss battles of the territorial pokemon (kind of like totem battles) and by defeating them you get an egg of the pokemon with a hidden ability or egg move. You can also build your own house and grow a farm for growing crafting items, gather berries from trees. There should also be berries which can heal pokemon's PP. You also have to eat and feed your pokemon to keep them alive. You can find food in the territories of pokemon or grow your own food in your farm. You also have to make defense mechanisms and put pokemon on patrol to protect from nocturnal pokemon.
An openworld-esque RPG version of the game, with a much deeper resource system, where the MC will be able to collect resources while traveling, and use the resources to craft things such as pokemon foods, booster medicine, and all sorts of other items (combat, evolution etc etc).

- Money and items won't be so free, so instead the MC will have to rely on a healthy level of collecting and crafting to maintain and upgrade their teams
- For example, if you don't collect and craft pokemon foods regularly, you'll probably get wiped out.

- There will also be lower level and higher level areas, such that, better resources will require the MC to travel into higher level regions
to collect much rarer and powerful resources to boost their teams strength.

The game will still maintain a similar plot line of an MC going from one area to the next gaining gym badges, eventually becoming the champion,
but there will also be a lot of alternative content that will allow the MC to develop as a character, and encourage exploration.

# Trainer ranks

They will also have a trainer rank, and getting a certain trainer rank/reputation points, will be necessary to be able to fight the Gym Leaders.
- Pokemon won't level past your trainer rank cap.
- Rarer pokemon and advanced content will be locked behind trainer rank.

You can gain trainer reputation points through quests, challenges, and hidden accomplishments.
- For example, crafting better items the first time will boost your trainer rank.
- Leveling up, evolving and catching rare pokemon.
- Defeating 'mini-gyms', 'gangs', 'schools', 'tournaments' that different areas will have.
- Taking knowledge related 'exams' at every gym.
- e.g. The exam will be related to the specialization of the gym
- Resolving story events in new regions

Most of the reputation points should be easy to collect through just fighting, exploring new areas, and winning tournaments, and challenges though.
- i.e. the game shouldn't degrade into a bad mmorpg-esque kill/fetch quest system.
- combat, and winning 'challenges'/gym badges are still the most fun thing about pokemon

Going to higher level regions will require higher trainer ranks too.

All this should ideally flesh out a typical pokemon game, and add more 'things' to do in each region, and encourage exploration.
- For example, each town/region will have specialized resource maps where the MC can collect region-specific resources you can't find elsewhere.

# Titles

- There will also be 'titles' that MC can collect that will boost their abilities, such as being able to catch rarer fish pokemon via a fishing related title they acquired
through winning a fishing tournament in one of the coastal cities.

These titles will be acquirable through hidden accomplishments, and challenges.

Challenge system
- There will be 'legendary' trainers that the MC will encounter throughout the game, or even post-game e.g. champions from other regions.
- They will be 'adventuring' and exploring certain areas, and when the MC encounters them, the MC will have to fight a 'lower level' team of theirs
to prove their worth.
- They might give the MC rare items/resources/tips/information about the region, and even give MC clues on how/where to catch rarer pokemon.
- Some of the challenger trainers might have a specific token pokemon for example, and they'll give hints to the MC on where to find that pokemon.
- They also give a hefty amount of reputation points.

After becoming the champion, there will be a world tournament, and MC will encounter a lot of those 'legendary' challenge system trainers there.

-- I also like aspects of the above post.
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Pokémon: Mewthree Destroys the World

At game start (probably post first GYM) you and your friend/rival find a guy with motorcycle helmet opening a portal. You follow this person. Entering, you are transported into past. After visiting places, probably winning an GYM, you are fond by this motorcycle guy who send you and your friend in back to the present. But your friend pick an item who can open portals on shiny points. He uses one but came into post apocalyptic future.

After some exploration, you learn that the world was dominated by a trainer with Mewthree few years ago. People face it with combined legendary pokémon like Rayquazza, Xerneas and Zekron, but even this team can't beat Mewthree. The motorcycle guy found you and he tells that he is time-traveling finding a way to change the future. He discover that a Master Ball may catch Mewthree. You and the Motorcycle guy travel to past, when Giovanni takes Silph Co. You tag battle with Red and defeats Giovanni, receiving Master Ball. So, you go into the point in time before Mewthree destroys the city, facing it. But the Master Ball fails and the motorcycle guy got arrested/killed. At this point you can battle Mewthree, but it can't take damage. Your friend tell that motorcycle guys delivers a letters who has a plan B in case of Master Ball fails. The plan B need:

  1. Mewtwonite: In the past. To find the location, player must help a criminal to escape from jail. Player found both X and Y together.
  2. Supesonic machine (in the future): This machine removes Mewthree invencibility. An hero tried to face Mewthree with this machine, but failed and the machine was confiscated. Player must steal it.
  3. Mewtwo (present). First you go into Cerulean Cave, but only find (and battles) Green. You go to the future, get a jewel on an underworld tournament (with familiar faces) and trade with a scientist for a DNA radar. Using it, you find Mew on a abandoned castle instead. After some research, you find out that a trainer for Pallet caught Mewtwo. On Mt Silver you find and defeat Red, who gives Mewtwo to you.
  4. A powerfull trainer: Your friend tell about Ethan, the trainer who defeated Red. After find it, you accidentally angered Ethan and battle him. Defeating him, you friend tell that you are a powerfull trainer, so Ethan isn't necessary.
You face Mewthree and defeated him. After that, the bad guy tells the whole backstory (with flashbacks) about how he manage to create Mewthree, how he tricked some people (including Colress), and says that now his plan will succeed even without Mewthree. With Mewthree power, he manage to caught several legendary pokémon, and fights. Team: Genesect, Heatran, Giratina, Mewtwo, Mega Rayquaza, 100% Zygarde.

Extra ideas:
  • Past world has gen 2 graphics, present has gen 3 graphics and future has gen 4 graphics (and 3d gif models in battle).
  • Probably happens on Kanto plus some other places (like Olivine until Ecruteak and original islands)
  • Past world have mostly official regions encounter (HgSs swarm encounter became rare encounter). Present too. Future world have alot of gen 5 and forward pokémon.
  • GYM/League Quest are postgame quest.

Idea inspired by Chrono Trigger
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Rebooting the older regions, adding newer generations pokemon into their regional dex and giving them regional forms.

Inova Monkey Trio make them FTG, DARK and PSY.

Vulpix - Fire/Ghost
Grimer and Koffing - PSN/FIRE

Meditite line - FAIRY/FTG
I always had an idea for a Pokemon game that was too adult themed to be real.
It takes place in a power vacuum. There was an undisputed leader of the region, he was firm but fair and both respected and feared. His legendary Pokemon was powerful beyond balance, and was never even harmed in battle.
The leader was a quiet man who spent most of the time alone in the mountains with only his Pokemon. One day his Pokemon had started rampaging throughout the region, causing destruction and casualty. The leader has disappeared and no one had the power to stand up to his Pokemon.
After his disappearance the strongest trainers got together to take on his Pokemon, they would lose. After their loss they would begin training together to get the power to stand up to the Pokemon and get the region in order.
However, they were different people with different ambitions and ideals. The trainers would splinter off into different groups all racing to be the first to defeat the Pokemon and claim power. As with life there are no black and white matters, all groups had noble intentions and selfish intentions, none more right or wrong than others.
The game starts 6 months after the disappearance of the leader, the region is in ruin. At this point the different groups now have the power to defeat the legendary Pokemon if they work together, however, they seem more interested in fighting each other. The legendary Pokemon controls a large section of the region and those remaining have abandoned that area. Your character wakes up with amnesia (I have a story for why but if this is ever made it'd be a huge spoiler), rescued by one of the groups seeking power. They take you in, help you recover, and then give you your first Pokemon. However, they do so with the hopes of recruiting you into their group. Unaware who you are, why they want you, and the secrets of the region you're not ready to commit yourself to them and you escape to begin your journey. Can you bring peace to the region?

I would love to have the player decide if they wanted to join a group, try to unite them, or take power for themselves. That'd be a lot of extra work though.

This is my idea, I'm a big story guy with none of the patience or skills to create a game by myself, so I thought I'd throw my idea out here and see if any of the people with the real skills were interested.
Another mechanics idea. As well as the chance of encountering certain pokemon in the grass, if you spend too long travelling next to the tree border (for those maps that have tree borders), there's a chance a wild pokemon will leap out at you. Generally I'd imagine these would be flying-types, but I suppose other types are possible too.
I got an idea that shows what happens if you have too much light.

No, not a Light-type, this have been done before. I talk about something of a fan counterpart of Shadow Pokémon.

Remember Shadow Pokémon from Colosseum, XD, Pokken (with Shadow Mewtwo) and GO? They are Pokémon that is a result of having their heart locked in darkness by the Cipher or other sources to make them full-on killing machines as their emotion gets removed.

Introducing the Refulgent Pokémon. Unlike the Shadow Pokémon, the Refulgent Pokémon have their spirit locked by light that made them go berserk to intensified stress and negative emotions. This led them to be uncontrollable until tamed, as even the kindest trainers will have a difficult time keeping them in check.

Even the most kind-hearted Pokémon become twisted and dangerous as well. For example, a Delibird deliver gifts to humans and Pokémon alike. Now, as Refulgent Delibird, it only deliver coals, no matter if they were nice or naughty, or will even directly attack them if in a worsened mood.

Imagine being lost in an icy mountain, and a Delibird comes to the rescue… only to be attacked by coal-shaped light. That's a Refulgent Delibird coming for you.

Imagine the horror if the likes of Hydreigon, Zangoose + Seviper and Gyarados become Refulgent… Oh wait.

Now comes the main details.



If you like my idea and want to use it for any fan project, be sure to credit me and ask me for help if needed!
A Naruto game in which you play as Naruto and you choose his characteristics, not a canon plot, the plot will change depending on what kind of Naruto the player chose, for example three kind of options regarding Naruto's intelligence can be given, Extremely Intelligent (Sherlock Level), Intelligent, Average, Dumb (Canon). No music, No eyes for characters in game. Face without eyes basically.
Make some sort of Pokemon Rumble 3 fan game. it would be based on the original pokemon rumble blast mechanics (because pokemon rumble world is worse) and would contain pokemon up to generation 8 or maybe custom pokemon who knows. All the models should use the classic pokemon rumble format, and some of the parts of pokemon rumble blast must be improved, since the game lacks post game and story too. I would pay diamonds for a game like that to be born.
Pokemon game idea

It's still very raw but I would like to share it anyways as it's been stuck in my head for weeks!

Here it goes, if you have any interest in using any of this for a game, feel free to do it!
Just let me know so I can check it!


Initial Pokemon

The most important and exciting part about Pokemon games has to be receiving your first little monster. I think this is why I keep restarting games, they get boring after a while and I love revisiting the first moments.
So, the initial Pokemon encounter has to be special. I haven't played much in recent years but, from what I can tell, most Pokemon games have the same recipe:
  • You start the game in your house
  • Go out to the local lab / nearby grass
  • Choose from 3 possible Pokemons

We have nearly 1000 available Pokemon and yet we are restricted to only 3 when we first start. And besides, usually they're always the same 3, no matter what.

Stored Pokemons

Ah, the PC storage system. Good old Bill was a genius.
I always have trouble having 6+ Pokemon, I hate (and I mean, HATE) to store Pokemon. I won't ever use stored Pokemon, they're just there for the sake of completing the Pokedex. That really upsets me because I feel it's a waste of good Pokemon talent and it reminds me of abandoned animals, so I would like a game to address this problem.

HM Moves

I'm an old Pokemon gamer and fan, I started with Red and Blue back in '98 (damn, I'm old), so I had to carry some HM slave 'mon to be able to make progress, which could be annoying because some of those HMs were really bad (Cut? Flash? come on…)
When I experienced games without these restrictions it was a game changer, mind blowing!
So yes, no HMs for you!


The world is in crisis.
With the ever growing number of Pokemon trainers trying to complete the Pokedex challenge, there has been a significant decrease in Pokemons availability all over the globe. Some usually considered as common Pokemon are now starting to disappear from their habitats and there are even cases of borderline extinction.
Pokemon encounters are now less frequent than ever and newer trainers are now struggling to find them in the wild or even to train their newly acquired companions.

To be able to continue the tradition of having new trainers starting their own adventure when they're time comes, Gym Leaders and Professors from all around the globe arranged an urgent World Pokemon Simposyum to discuss the impact that Pokemon training has in the Pokemon fauna and what measures should be taken to restore the balance.
In the end, the current World Pokemon Champion made a speech to the media to disclose the measures they had found and that would be applied ASAP:

  • There will be Pokemon Adoption Centers all over the world, one for each major city
  • New Pokemon trainers will now receive their first Pokemon from their nearest Pokemon Adoption Center
  • The adoption of a trainer's first Pokemon will start with the filling of a Trainer's Quizz
    [*]The result of the Quizz will determine which Pokemon is better fit for the Trainer​
  • Trainers can adopt as many Pokemon as they wish
    [*]Each Gym Badge gives the ability to adopt 1 more Pokemon
    [*]Each Gym Badge increases the level of adoptable Pokemon​
  • Stored Pokemon will be considered abandoned after 30 days without being withdrawn from the system
  • Abandoned Pokemon will be put for adoption

Story content

After the creation of Pokemon Adoption Centers, and with the decreasing number of wild Pokemon, some people started a Pokemon Black Market to sell all types of Pokemon to whoever is willing to pay for their high prices.
There have also been many Pokemon disappearing from the Adoption Centers, which leads people into thinking that there are Hunters infiltrated into the Adoption Centers that are stealing the best and rarest Pokemons for selling in the Black Market.

As a new Pokemon Trainer, you go to your city's Adoption Trainer to adopt your first Pokemon and you notice a man trying to get out in a rush. He sees that you are staring at him and increases his speed, dropping a Pokeball on the ground as she does. While he stops and tries to decide what to do with the dropped Pokeball you also start thinking what you should do. Should you try to stop him? What if you try to grab him and he hurts you or releases a Pokemon to hurt you? Should you grab the dropped Pokeball and try to challenge him into a fight?
Suddenly, a second person comes out of the Center. A woman, wearing a nameplate on her chest and looking furious, grabs a Pokeball from her belt and throws it, revealing a Taurus. "You are not getting away so easily!", she yells.
The man stops his escape, turning around with a smile on his face. "Ah, Professor. Did not know you were here. Glad you could join us!". Throwing a Blastoise in front of him, he decides to face the Professor.
While they battle, you grab the dropped Pokeball and run to the Professor's side.
The Blastoise ends up being stronger than Taurus and knocks him out. "You can keep that Pokeball. For now.", the man says while calling Blastoise into her Pokeball. He turns away and runs into the city streets.
The Professor hurries to her Taurus and comforts him before recalling him into his Pokeball.
"Thank you for recovering that Pokemon for us, at least not all of them are lost. Please follow me inside", she says.
You go back into the Adoption Center, where you see a lot of different Pokeballs arranged in lines on many tables around the room.
"You don't look familiar, is this your first visit?" the Professor asks.
"Yes, I'm (Name) and I'm here to adopt my first Pokemon!"
"Oh, sorry for not introducing myself! I'm Professor (Name) and this is our Pokemon Adoption Center!"
"So, would you like to take our Trainer Quizz to find out which Pokemon better suits you?"
"Sure, let's go for it!"
Professor hands you a Quizz that you quickly fill and hand back.
"Great, let's see the results" the Professor says while checking your answers.
"Oh, it seems you'd be fit to receive a (Type) type Pokemon, that's great! Now, let's see what we have here that suits your needs."
You are given a list of available Pokemon that you can choose from.
You select the Pokemon you'd like to be your first companion.
"You already look like a great team!"
"What if we check the Pokemon you just saved and do a little battle for you to get used to it?" the Professor says while reaching for the Pokeball you grabbed before and releasing the Pokemon inside. A shiny Eevee emerges from the ball, looking fierce and ready for a challenge.
You smile at both of them and challenge the Professor for your first battle.
After the battle you both get your Pokemon back to full health.
Professor looks at you with a proud look on her face and says "I feel you're going to be a great Pokemon trainer!"
You smile and answer "Thank you Professor, I'll do my best! All I want now is to stop these Hunters from stealing and selling more innocent Pokemon."
"That is a very noble task and a very hard one to pursue. If that's what you really want, you're going to need all the help you can get, those people are not to mess around."
"Here, I'll start helping you by giving you these Potions and extra Pokeballs I have with me. Take good care of your new Pokemon and be sure to stay in touch!"
You leave with your new Pokemon and items, certain that you'll be able to save more Pokemon and that you'll become one of the best Trainers around.
i would love if someone made a game where is made to you make Weather based teams

the idea that i had was to make around ancient Alola, where Kukui ancestor requested you to search for the Guardian of Alola(The Tapus) and see if they are dangerous for people or not, to make sure you be safe, he will give you some pokeballs and one pokemon between 4, which each of them has a Weather summon ability(Sand stream, Snow warning, Drought and Drizzle). it could also have more starters if you want to add new weathers, but for this case 4 weathers is the ideal.

after receving the quest you will have the choice of exploring the islands in any order you want, you could explore the current island you are or just go straight to a different one(each island would be more focused in a specific weather). like i said, i want to see Weather based teams, so for that reason all the Pokemons available in the game should have at least 1 ability that is related to a specific Weather, and since we are talking about ancient Alola, there could be some Regional Variants that do not exist anymore in the modern days(Not a mandatory thing of course, but always nice to have).

to make progress in the game i would say that when getting closer to where the Tapus are located, you will end up fighting a few Totem pokemons(Let's say 3 per island for now) and when you finally encounter the Tapu, you will receive a Test by them to see if you are skilled(Could be a Puzzle or a Battle). After receiving the Tapu approval, the Wild mons will be much more friendly to the villagers, being possible to complete some Side quests and unlocking some content that was not available yet, and also getting a shard of the Tapunium-Z (4 in total, so when you got it all you can use their Z-move, Important to mention is that the Tapus are only obtainable in the Post-Game as well).

the end of the game i did not really thought much about it, but since is Weather related it could be around facing Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza since some evil character thought that Team Magma and Team Aqua ideas were brilliant.

That's pretty much everything that i have, i'm not going to make a fangame out of that since i barely know how to use RPG maker and Romhacking GBA, so if someone wants to use everything that i just said, go ahead and go crazy!
An open-world survival game where you are free to go anywhere with level-scaling and with crafting system to heal your pokemon (no pokemon centers) and a special component in bag which acts as your PC, like putting the extra pokeball in your bag. There will be boss battles of the territorial pokemon (kind of like totem battles) and by defeating them you get an egg of the pokemon with a hidden ability or egg move. You can also build your own house and grow a farm for growing crafting items, gather berries from trees. There should also be berries which can heal pokemon's PP. You also have to eat and feed your pokemon to keep them alive. You can find food in the territories of pokemon or grow your own food in your farm. You also have to make defense mechanisms and put pokemon on patrol to protect from nocturnal pokemon.

That's pretty cool! the farming, crafting & need to eat kinda gives it a Harvest Moon Vibe (or Minecraft, depending on how it affects the gameplay).

i think it would also be pretty cool to have quests and be able to befriend NPCs. and maybe some quests or storylines unlock only after reaching a certain friendship level
A poke tips centre- say pay 1 Poke to get a tip on how to play the game- could be roughly what team you need to beat a gym or what special abilities that you can expect in the high level pokemon in the area or what the townspeople are like etc- and remove the forced action components of the game. I don't why people don't completely remove the Prof "dance" at the start of the game where he is somewhere not at his lab when you go there. I don't want the hand holding but if I get off track with the Poke Tips Centre I can still work out for myself what I should be doing.
I would love to see a collection of ROM hacks along with a companion website or app. The website would allow the selection of a generation of game to draft pokemon for and facilitate the draft. Once the draft picks have all been made, the players would each be given a code to enter in the ROM of the game they chose. At that point, the players could hold a little tournament.

I think there are two ways to implement the ROM hacks.
  1. The ROM has a bunch of prebuilt pokemon sets that the website is aware of and that could be picked. This would probably result in shorter codes but players would need to update their ROM in order to get new sets
  2. The website encodes a full build in the code and the ROM decodes it in order to get the team
My general idea is what inspired my user name the concept of Pokemon Simplex version, essentially spawning from the idea that has come up a few times that ground and rock sort of are the same thing in concept, obviously in game-play and Mons its quite different, this combined with the non-equivalent super effective (SE) and Not super effective (NSE) being equal for all types because of moves and what each type focuses, I had the idea to simplify and rethink the type and battle system to an extent. I'm sure someone else has come up with something similar at some point inevitably but I'm not heavily involved in all of the fan made stuff so I don't know if I'm stepping on any toes here.

Here is the type chart I came up with, and the new types which are just combining the two most similar, some are more similar than others and I tried to give them names that fit, obviously not the best, but I thought it would be a fun experiment. I tried to make the SE and NVE thing equal, and sort of make sense in a narrative sense, though some make more sense than others again, making it perfect may require starting from scratch but, I think this works.

Type Simplex (Normal + Fighting):
SE Against: Aero, Verdant, Enigma, Mystic
NVE Against: Hydro, Terra, Plasma, Mecha

Type Terra (Ground + Rock):
SE Against: Hydro, Aero, Simplex, Verdant
NVE Against: Plasma, Mecha, Enigma, Mystic

Type Verdant (Grass + Poison):
SE Against: Hydro, Mecha, Terra, Plasma
NVE Against: Simplex, Aero, Enigma, Mystic

Type Plasma (Electric + Fire):
SE Against: Simplex, Mecha, Hydro, Terra
NVE Against: Verdant, Aero, Enigma, Mystic

Type Hydro (Ice + Water):
SE Against: Mecha, Aero, Verdant, Plasma
NVE Against: Terra, Simplex, Enigma, Mystic

Type Aero (Flying + Bug):
SE Against: Mystic, Terra, Mecha, Simplex
NVE Against: Plasma, Hydro, Enigma, Verdant

Type Enigma (Ghost + Psychic):
SE Against: Hydro, Simplex, Mystic, Aero
NVE Against: Plasma, Terra, Verdant, Mecha

Type Mystic (Dragon + Fairy):
SE Against: Terra, Aero, Simplex, Plasma
NVE Against: Mecha, Verdant, Hydro, Enigma

Type Mecha (Dark + Steel):
SE Against: Verdant, Hydro, Enigma, Mystic
NVE Against: Simplex, Plasma, Terra, Aero

For the battle system, simplification is quite a big shift so I'm sure not a lot will particularly like this but, its just an idea. Partially inspired by how competitive pokemon showdown does everything it can to remove evasion and accuracy values from the equation, the simplified battle system will actually remove most stats, instead having most attacking moves function like aerial ace, with guaranteed hits which does invalidate a lot of moves, but thats sort of the point, also instead of traditional stats, the idea will be that most attacking movies function like sonic boom or dragon rage, where it does a set HP amount so there aren't these big calculations you have to know in order to determine if you can tank it or not, obviously type vulnerabilities will either double or half it based on that, but generally all moves will be based on set amounts, and all defensives will by simplified to simple HP.

Next removing speed would be the next thing, instead of having speed values, you have a simultaneous turn, basically each attack hits at the same time, making double KOs far more common, but I don't think it will be that bad, and the way to sort of get around this for less bulky mons is speedier types getting priority moves with stages of priority like they exist, with Quick attack, Extreme Speed etc. Functioning similarly to first strike in magic the gathering, that a higher priority move damages first, and if it takes out the other mon, then it doesn't receive the damage of that attack, though probably at the cost of higher damage.

Then we get into PP, in which I think is best removed from the system entirely, all moves being used an unlimited amount of times, hyper powerful ones being limited in specific ways possibly recoil, priority lag, or inflicting status on itself.

Next bit of work is status, which I think actually will become more complicated

I liked the idea of a status condition being intrinsic to each type

Type Simplex: Daze (This lasts for 2 turns, and when it is afflicted on the opponent, they have halved damage)

Type Terra: Crumble (This last for 2 turns, and when it is afflicted on the opponent, they take double damage)

Type Verdant: Spore (This lasts for 4 turns, damages the opponent for 5 percent HP, and Restores 5 Percent HP)

Type Plasma: Ionized (This last for 4 turns, damages the opponent for 10 percent HP if they attack)

Type Hydro: Frostbite (This last for 3 turns, opponents attacks lose one stage of priority)

Type Aero: Bluster (This last for 3 turns, opponents take double damage from winning priority moves) (Clarify, if the unafflicted wins priority, many fast aero types so it works with it )

Type Enigma: Warp (This last for 5 turns, opponents moves gain one priority, but lose half of their damage)

Type Mystic: Ensorcelled (This last for 5 turns, opponent moves are chosen at random)

Type Mecha: Regulated (This lasts for 6 turns, afflicted pokemon deals and takes double damage ignoring type)

Tried to make them interesting in the more simplified context.

Conceptually, I think it can take place in a region with a large field altering aspects of reality, or possibly in an alternate dimension, the idea of regional forms being Pokemon being brought into this realm and using normal typing being transferred over like Hydreigon going from Dragon/Dark to Mystic/Mecha, or Victini starting as fire/psychic becoming Plasma/Enigma, though thing Mons like Vileplume actually become monotype. I debated on going even further and combining them all into 3 types, but that felt like it was over doing it. If anyone wants to use the some aspects of the ideas for a fan game or rom hack feel free to do so.