Second round of the Global Challenge announced for Pokémon GO, featuring Zapdos!


To this day, he still can't beat Air Man...
  • 923
    Second round of the Global Challenge announced for Pok?mon GO, featuring Zapdos!

    The second of the birbs is now getting the spotlight. What are your thoughts on this?
    5 shinies from Zapdos Day. One of those was 93%. Two of them were back to back. One of them was at my lucky gym (the one I got shiny Lugia and shiny Articuno at). Feeling pretty good. :)
    Had only time to get one... lucky enough, it was shiny! Also ended up opening an 10km egg, 97,8% beldum :P
    Had only time to get one... lucky enough, it was shiny! Also ended up opening an 10km egg, 97,8% beldum :P

    Ooh that's a great way to spend Zapdos day, especially during double candy. :)

    Anyone else participate?