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The dragons. Saga number one: The begining

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Still the best!!!xD
  • 1,636
    Okay, so here?s the plot:

    A milenia ago, some divers found dragons encased in transparent eggs on the ocean floor. Their thoughts filled with greed, they began to exploit these dragons wherever they could. However, after a while, the eldest dragon couldn?t take it any more, and breaking free of the weak chains that binded him, he freed the other dragons with a single slash, and then they all flew away?

    Then, hundreds of years later?

    A group made of kids and teenagers were sent out to explore the mountain wonders on a nature trail there parents thought they spotted.However, as the kids and teenagers walked up the trail, they spotted the dragons, alll sleeping. Theyt all made on kid and one teen poke the dragon in front of them, and then they all began to run away , but then the eldest dragon said, ?Stop!!?. The kids and teens turned around slowly, frightened, when suddenly, the dragon gestured to them, a nest filled with strangely colored eggs. As soon as the kids and teens spotted the eggs, however, the eldest dragon breathed lame at the eggs, while the kids and teens stood on in shock. Then, almost just as soon as he torched them, the eldest dragon stopped. Then, suddenly, the eggs all rolled down the each of the kids and teenagers feet, and then they began to open?.

    Okay, more of the plot will be explained once somebody joins, but for now, here?s the sign up sheet:


    Weapons (If any, has to be something basic like a boomerang or a slingshot.But that doesn?t mean it can have special powers.XD):


    Age: (This really isn?t nessicary since all the dragons at first are hatchlings.XD)
    Type of dragon: (Normal, snake, or hydra. A snake-type dragon is a dragon with no legs, and basically flies all the time. A hydra is a dragon with more than one head.)
    Powers: (For instance, breathing flame, or flying.)

    Now, here?s my form. We?ll start when ten people join, but maybe sooner:

    Name: Matt
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Description: wears a black shirt, with a chrome-colored trenchcoat. He also wears grey pants, and dirty shoes nobody can tell their orignal color was.
    Personality: He?s not very social, but wants to have friends, and also, he has a fear of killing somebody he likes with..
    Weapon: Boomerang that can put anyone it hits into a coma, and then die several weeks later?


    Name: Yem
    Age: (Like I said, unnessicary.XD)
    Type of dragon: Snake
    Appearance: Red wings, with a black body that has yellow lines running on it, and green eyes, with sharp teeth
    Personality: He?s nice, but gets angry sometimes, and when somebody ruins a good time he was having or seeing his master in trouble, they don?t wanna mess with him, if you catach me drift. *Snickers*
    Powers: Flying, breathing fire and water, and of course, biteing.

    Well, join!!XD

    Name:Jasper Namly
    Description:Tall with crazy blonde hair that always sticks up this way and that. He wears blue jeans frayed at the botttom and a red shirt with japenese writing on the front.
    Personality:He is mentally and Physically strong. He is also very smart. He is a loyal person and always supports the underdog.
    Weapons: A dagger with injects it's victims with poisin wich will kill them in hours with out an antidote. It also only can be used be the person it was crafted for(Jasper) If anyone else tries to use it it will inject them with the poisin through the handle.


    Age: (This really isn?t nessicary since all the dragons at first are hatchlings.XD)
    Type of dragon: Normal.
    Appearance:It is a pinkish blue sort of bubble gum collor. Its scales sparlkle in the sun and it has two long deep blue spikes comming out of her head. She also has red/ maroon feet and claws. She has Deep blue eyes.
    Personality:She is happy and peceful... usually, if you agrivate her she becomes vicious and ruthless. She is very loyal to Jasper.
    Powers: Fire breath, Dragons breath (puts opponents to sleep) Poisin Breath(Poisins the opponent if it breathes in the poisin) Flying (Of course) Clawing, and biting.
    Maybe I should have at least flying as a staple for every dragon. I mean, who ever saw a dragon unable to at least float in the air??And I knew that I had a better name for my dragon than yem. Thanks to you, I can vision it. In other words, I change my dragon's name to ruby.XD
    Kool glad i could be of assistance and i agree that flying should be coomon of all dragonsunless u made an alternatave like a burrowing dragon or something, ooo that would be kool!
    Hmm...Maybe a worm-type dragon would be in order??XD Or, better yet, a swimming dragon!! Like the lock ness monster!!XD

    Well, here what a worm dragon would look like generally, in my opinion:

    Blind, dirty-gray broiwnish, slimy, huge claws for digging, and little fins on the back.

    Whatdya think??XD
    Bob V said:
    Hmm...Maybe a worm-type dragon would be in order??XD Or, better yet, a swimming dragon!! Like the lock ness monster!!XD

    Well, here what a worm dragon would look like generally, in my opinion:

    Blind, dirty-gray broiwnish, slimy, huge claws for digging, and little fins on the back.

    Whatdya think??XD

    It sounds good to me and i do like the idea of a swimming dragon, but wouldn't that limit the capabilitys of the RPer that had that dragon if their dragon had to be in the water all the time? But maybe we could come up with something how about a camelion (SRY bout the spelling) Dragon? It would be a dragon that could change itself to siut the situation its in like it could be worm at one moment and then if it needed to swim it would change into a swimming dragon... whata ya think?
    Hmm..maybe not in THIS saga. If you don't get what I mean, check the title of this. ;)

    But, the reason I can't approve of it yet is because I can't think of a good enough description for a chameleon dragon.
    lol i'll join.
    Name:Jadica Retour
    Description:tall with dark hair that falls straight down in a cascade and grey eyes.She wears a black top with a single stripe down the sides and sleeves and jeans.
    Personality:She is high strong and speaks her mind. She is smart and knows that she is beautiful.
    Weapons: knifes that she has straped on her belt, shoes and legs.She throws them at enemys with her great aim.She usually hits the eyes.

    Name: Rye
    Type of dragon: normal [wings + legs]
    Appearance:long icy blue body with large silver spear like spikes along her back.She has a navy blue head crest and she has iridecent blue and green scales on her face and a club at the end of her tail.
    Personality: She is like Jadica - smart and high strong.Her anger is great but she cools down quickly.She is essential a good dragon but her aloofness makes others sceptical of her intentions.
    Powers - fire and ice blasts, flash freezes and biting
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    Hey, didn't ja remeber??The dragons you get don't have an age currently because they're hatchlings! Please don't quit, though. I have to get off the computer now, so see you later, and when I return, I'll post a discription of a chameleon-type dragon.XD
    OOC: Ice_Demen He is right they all start off as hatchlings so you should change that, but im glad ur joining this should be fun!!

    Name: Cassy
    Gender: female
    Description:She wears black T-shirt, cerise shorts and red sneaker-like shoes. Her hair is a golden blond tone and she has blue greyish eyes.
    Personality:Cassy is an intellegent girl who often follow rules, but if she has to she will break some. She is hot tempered so watch out for making her angry. Cassy is also loyal and would do anything for a friend.
    Weapons: A spear


    Age: (This really isn?t nessicary since all the dragons at first are hatchlings.XD)
    Type of dragon: Normal (european typish)
    Appearance: White with red and black tribalish markings on head, body, legs and arms, hands and feets are red with white claws. Walks on eighter two feet or all four. yellow eyes, fine thin head, gigant orange wings. It doesnt really got scales but I have no idea what to call it...
    Personality:with a hot temper. She is stubborn and brave, but she is also very sweet and loyal and she loves to play.
    Powers: breaths fire and lasers.
    OOC: Lasers?? Since when did dragons BREATHE lasers??You're thinking of Robo-dragon championship arena, an old RP in ACC. But besides the lasers and the spears(Unless she has a tribal heritige or something.), you're in!!XD
    Ooc:No, Im not thinking of any robo-dragon I have never heard of such a thing...
    fire gives of light right? and lasers is made of light, so if the light in some way becomes strong enought it would turn into a laser which surrounds the fire....
    In reality its just a theory that I have...
    and about the spear, its really just a long stick with a sharp rock at the top...it would be used just like a staff but I wanted something that was alittle more original than a staff... besides it can be used for fishing and protection!^^
    can i play?


    Name: saphira moonstream
    Age: 13
    Gender: female
    Description: a light blue tank and dark blue denim jeans
    Personality: a bit of a loner, nice ,caring, curious, and a loyal friend
    Weapons: a slingshot
    special power: ice blast


    Name: aurora
    Gender: female
    Type of dragon: normal
    Appearance: light blue with silver wings
    Personality: friendly caring helpful, a good friend
    Powers: flying, swimming, and breathing ice

    there ya go!!!
    Hmm, interesting. I'd like to join!

    Gender: Male
    Type of dragon: Burrower
    Appearance: Pewter colored scales, usually stained brown from digging through the earth, and black eyes. He resembles a snake dragon, though not quite as long, but much larger around, with large front legs for digging, but no wings.
    Personality: Bi-polar, goes from a deep thinker to a hyperactive explosion at any given time.
    Powers: Tremendous strenth, and the ability to spew lava. (Not fire) And also wishes to study magic.
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    OOC: The burrower dragon is IN, Shiney. But what about the Teen?? And, erm, please no lasers YET, sakuya. Uh-oh!! I'm giving away secrets!!*Runs*XD

    And BTW, D_E, you're in!!
    Bob V said:
    OOC: The burrower dragon is IN, Shiney. But what about the Teen?? And, erm, please no lasers YET, sakuya. Uh-oh!! I'm giving away secrets!!*Runs*XD

    And BTW, D_E, you're in!!

    Ok, but I had an idea that my egg would hatch on it's own, and not have a teen, give more oportunity for plot twists, but I'll edit in a teen character if you think I should.
    Actually, the alone concept sounds cool, but as an explanaition for the burrow type, how about his egg rolls into an old mine shaft before it hatches?? That would profied(Sp?) an explanaition for the burrow thing.XD
    Bob V said:
    Nah, how about his egg rolls into an old mine shaft?? That would profied(Sp?) an explanaition for the burrow thing.XD

    Ahh, yes it would provide a great explanation. Well then, I know someone else is planning on signing up soon, but after that, how long do we plan on it being before we start?
    Hm, is the signer-upper gonna be F_T?? I think it is. Am I right??XD

    But yeah, we'll start after another person joins.XD
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